What people are saying.

“During our initial session she used her natural as well as learned skills to help me uncover and confirm some of the root causes of my concerns.  Her empathy and compassion were very much appreciated as she used gentle techniques to assist in guiding me towards positive steps for resolution.”

— Phillip Moore 

“Working with Regina changed my life. It made me want to get motivated and achieve my personal goals that I have been working on in my coaching sessions. She is inspiring, influential, empathetic and easy to talk to. I truly feel that she is there for me with enthusiasm and a cheerleader for my work toward my goals. One of them is how important it is to invest in myself, to take care of my body and soul for better and stronger relationships with family and friends.”

— Ramona Ravivo

“Regina is an absolute goal motivator!  Working with her made it easier and easier through our coaching sessions to learn and essentially guide myself and maneuver in better ways my life situations, as well as my personal, work and family goals.”

— Emily Gamliel

“Each day I thank myself first for finding Regina as my life coach.  She truely is an amazing supporter and motivator, at the same time she wants me to be accountable for my goal setting and actions. I feel that she is genuine, sincere but direct and cares a lot about my work toward my goals.  One of my issues are “That it’s hard for me to say no”, through are sessions I have accumulated tools and practiced with her to help my self understand that I come first and I can not please other people all the time and that it is ok to say, No.”

— Sara Mizrahi